Wow! This is it! The start of something I hope will be really REALLY great! I've had my heart on Bible ABCs for quite some time, and now it's actually happening! How awesome!
I guess I got 'serious' about doing this app around August of 2013. I had done an ABCs app before, so from an art perspective, I knew what I was in for. I didn't know, however, ANYTHING about the programming side. I had used Unity (the game engine I'm creating this app with) once or twice before, and I really had no idea what I was doing and ran back to trusty Photoshop. Then, through some projects at work, I got quite familiar with it. This lead to me picking up Playmaker for programming, and diving into development all on my own!
With each character I illustrate I feel I gain a new insight into them. I feel that Adam is such a good character to start with for me. Adam had no idea what was ahead. Life, in all it's twists and turns, was uncharted territory for him! Now, on a much MUCH MUCH smaller scale, I find myself at the beginning of something. It could be great! It could be a disaster! It could fizzle out and die. It's unknown! At least (compared to Adam) I have examples to follow, tutorials to read, friends I can lean on for tech support (shoutout to Mike and Asa)!
So buckle up! Get ready! Lights! Camera! ACTION! Today is the start of something! I don't know what that is, but I'm so excited to have you guys along for the ride!